Friday, February 1, 2008

Junk Food as Stress Reliever

It's official.


Really, did they need a study to prove it?

I've been using it as a fairly effective solution to the stress issue for years. Oreos are the poor man's Prozac. Sugar is cheap and it does for me just what heroin does for a junkie, bay-bee.

Not that I'm not - a junkie. I am. I even nod in the mid-afternoon after a binge like a heroin junkie. Sad but true. How is it that no one else has made this connection is such a big way? We look around and say, "Oh, look, people are getting fatter, I wonder why?"


Sugar. They're putting a highly addictive drug into our food. Almost all of our food, actually, especially anything processed. Anyone remember when Coca-Cola actually contained cocaine? It's true... talk about addictive.

My drug of choice is legal, sanctioned, and makes business owners billions a year. It also keeps their customers coming back for more... and more... and more.

Not that I think banning sugar is gonna help. Prohibition didn't work either. People who can use sugar in moderation - wow, I bow down to you folks. I don't know how you do it.

Junk food relieves stress - like this is news? I've self-prescribed it for years, and so has over half the country, if the obesity stats are to be believed. It's still better for you than heroin... right?



Annie said...

Sometimes I think people are not aware of the amount of sugar in our supply.

The other sanctioned addiction of choice for people is caffeine, especially one of those venti whipped cream concoction from Starbucks. Sadly, I still go to Starbucks on occasion.

Gonzo R said...

Sugar is really addicting and is a stress reliever. After reading this blog, I decided to get some ice cream on my ref (lol). Just take control of it.

Queen Bee's Buzzin' on Down

King Harley's Revvin' on Down